At LPM Production, we prioritize working according to ethical guidelines that promote fairness, anti-corruption, and sustainable trade.

Sustainable energy and responsible production

LPM Production's highest priority is to be an all-around trusted partner for our customers in all business ethics contexts.

We aim for our customers to always see us as an attractive supplier of high-quality components. Beyond the product they receive, our customers should know that we manufacture and conduct business according to a set of ethical standards.

These standards include concepts such as fairness and anti-corruption, refraining from trade with sanctioned countries, no use of raw materials from conflict areas, and more.

All ethical rules are consolidated in our Code of Ethics.

7. Sustainable energy

7.1.2  Proportion of the population primarily using clean fuels and clean technology.

LPM goal: Contribute to increasing the global share of renewable energy.

As a company in the metal and plastics processing industry, it is our desire to push the agenda towards a sustainable industry, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and increasing awareness of renewable energy sources for the benefit of the global population.

7. Sustainable energy

7.2.1 Increase global percentage of renewable energy

LPM goal: Contribute to increasing the global share of renewable energy in the world's total energy consumption.

As a company in the metal and plastics processing industry, we aim to push the agenda forward, fully aware that renewable energy solutions are the future, and that we all share responsibility in making them both more reliable and efficient.

8. Decent job and economic growth

8.2  Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity

LPM goal: To contribute to promoting sustainable, inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

We aim to protect workers' rights and put an end to modern slavery and child labor.

12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

12.5.1 Reduce waste generation

LPM goal: The overarching goal of LPM is for the company to participate in sustainable development, striving constantly as a responsible business to be a part of it in everything we do.

This means that we must adhere to achieving the goals we have committed to, both internally within the company and in relation to our local and global environments.