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LPM Production in Ølgod increases capacity

At LPM Production in Ølgod, we have outgrown our current space due to the soaring demand. We are extremely busy and no longer have room for the increasing demand.


We have continuously expanded our existing machinery, but we reached a point where the latest acquisitions no longer fit in the production facilities. This necessitated the immediate start of a planned building expansion.


Over a long period, we have enjoyed steadily increasing demand for the components we specialize in manufacturing. This is thanks to a growing network of strong partners, both domestically and in the export market.


Since 2020, our management team has worked diligently towards stable business development, which was further solidified with the company's acquisition by new owners in 2022, aiming for new partnerships and markets.


Simultaneously, we have made significant efforts to strategically shift the company from serving primarily Danish customers to also exploring other industries and export markets.

To accommodate new customer types and operate in new markets, we have optimized the company's machinery with two new Okuma machining centers, GENOS M560-VE and GENOS M560-5AX for milling tasks. We have also focused on our quality department and conducted training for our employees, further strengthening the already excellent skills within the company.


On Monday, November 13, 2023, we broke ground on an expansion of approximately 800 square meters of production space, as well as offices and meeting rooms for production management. In addition to the machining production area, the new building will house new facilities for our PTA and quality department.


Now, the new production hall is ready to be filled with machines and their operators. Offices and other facilities will soon be bustling with activity.


We also expect to invest in further expanding our machinery in 2024 with larger 5-axis mills to stay ahead of the demand we encounter.