In short, MAX optimization is the difference between "just producing and delivering a given task" and collaboratively approaching the task with fresh, innovative perspectives – thereby being able to create what others only dream of.

Advanced optimization of product and cost

With MAX optimization, we don't just produce and deliver. We explore new possibilities with a fresh and inventive perspective to transform standard solutions into extraordinary results.

This is made possible through our open and honest dialogue, where we delve into the context of your parts or components.

Using advanced 3D redesign with the Inventor program, we demonstrate the potential for product and cost optimization, visualizing how a maximized solution can look—providing the best quality at the best price without compromising functionality.

At LPM Production, we have the necessary qualifications and a steadfast commitment to delivering fast and cost-effective solutions, strategically positioned to meet your needs closely. We bring not only our experience and expertise but also a determination to create real change for your business.

long turning

Manufacturing of small complex precision parts, as well as long parts with small diameters.

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automatic turning

Production for very large series of components with tools that enable machining in the same setup.

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3- and 5-axis machining

Everything from simple to complex components. 3 and 5 axes refer to the number of directions in which the cutting tool moves.

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About LPM

At LPM Production, you don't just get products, you get a partner.

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